Kuran Müslümanı

(Şahıs odaklı din anlayışından Allah odaklı din anlayışına...)

Ana Sayfa Hanif Mumin  Iste Kuran Kurandaki Din  Kur'an Yolu  Meal Dinle Sohbet Odasi Hanifler E- Kitaplik Kütüb-i Sitte ?  ingilizce Site Kuran islami Aliaksoy Org  Hasanakcay Net Tebyin-ül Kur'an Önerdiğimiz Siteler Bize Ulasin


- Konulara Göre Fihrist

- Saçma Hadisler

- Hadislerin-Sünnetin İncelemesi

- Haniflikle İlgili Sorular Cevaplar

- Misakın Elçisi Kim?

- Kuranda Namaz/Salat

- Onaylayan Nebi

- Kuranda Namaz/Salat

- Enbiya 104

- Kuranda Yeminler

- Adem Hakkında Sorular

- Ganimetleri Resulün Eline Nasıl Vereceğiz?

- Allahın ındinde YIL ve DOLUNAYLAR

- Abese ve Tevella

- Hadisçilerce Tahrif Edilen Ayetler

- Mübarek Yer, Mübarek Vakit

- Arkadaş Peygamber

- Kuranın İndirilişinden Günümüze Gelişi

- Bir Türban Sorusu

- Kuran ve Bize Öğretilenlerin Farkı

- Namazın Kılınışı

- Hadislere Göre Namaz

- Kuranda Salat Namaz mıdır?

- Kuran Yetmez Diyen Uydurukçular

- Bizler Hanif Dostlarız

- Sahih Hadis mi İstersiniz?

- Hakkı Yılmaz'ın Tebyin Çalışması

- Kur'anı Anlamada Metodoloji

- Tarikatçıların Çarpıttığı Birkaç Ayet

- Nasıl Kur'an Okuyalım?

- Kur'anı Kerim Nedir?

- Kur'anda Oruç

- Allah'sız Bir Din ve Allah'sız Bir Kur'an İnancı

- Kuransız Bir İslam Anlayışı ve Müşrikleşme

- Meal Çalışmasına Davet

- Allah Şahit Olarak Kafi Değil mi?

- Doğru Hadisleri Ne Yapacağız?

- Kur'andaki Muhammed ve Peygamberlerin Misyonu

- Mahrem, Avret, Ziynet

- Nur Suresi Çeviri-Yorum

- Cilbab

- Resule İtaat Ne Demektir?

- Hadis Kalburcuları ve Kalburları

- Kur'anı Kerim'in İndiriliş Gayesi

- Kur'anda Amellere Karşı Cahili Yaklaşım

- İslamdışı İnanışlara Kur'andan Örnekler

- Biri Şu Haram Üretim Tesislerini Kapatsın

- Tasavvufta İslam Var mı?

- İslamda Delil Sorunu

- Kurban Kesmek

- İlahi Hitabın Serüveni

- Ecel Nedir?

- Şirk, İşrak, Müşrik, Müşareke, Müşterik

- Büyü Yapan ve Yaptıranlar

- Peygamberlere Karşı Rabbani Yaklaşımlar

- Salat-ı Tefriciye yada Zikri Çarpıtmaya Bir Örnek

- Mucize Nedir?

- Ayrılıkların Nedenleri

- Sıfır Hata veya Kur'an

- Haniflik Nedir?

- Rabıta İle Şeyhlere Tapanlar

- Hadis Zindanının Mezhepçi Mahkumları

- İslam Dininin Öğrenilmesinde Kaynak Sorunu

- Fasık ve Münafıkların Genel Tanımlaması

- Hadisler, Hıristiyanlık ve Selman Rüştü

- Kur'anı kerim'in İndiriliş Gayesi

- Müstekbirlere Karşı Cahili Yaklaşım

- Halis-Hanif İslam

- Kur'anda Şefaat

- Fuhuş Tellalı Tefsirciler

- Hayızlıyken Neden Namaz Kılınmasın?

- Cebrail, Vahiy, Melek

- Dindarlıkta Müşrikleşme Temayülü

- Büyü Yapan ve Yaptıranlar

- Yaratılış, Adem, Havva

- Kur'an Yerel mi, Evrensel mi?

- Reform Dinde mi, Dindarlıkta mı?

- Ne Mutlu Tağutu Olmayanlara

- Peygambere Saygı(?)

- Hadislere Kanıt Diye Gösterilen Ayetler

- Allah Nazara Karışmadı mı?

- Kur'anı Kerimle Amel Etmek Mümkün mü?

- Kur'anda İnkar Edenlerin Vasıfları

- Müminlerin Vasıfları

- Allah'ın Vasıfları

- Kur'anın Vasıfları

- Dine Karşı Cahili Yaklaşımlar

- Kur'an Merkezli Din

- İrin Küpü Patladı; Mevlana

- Hurafe ve Bidatlar

- Peygamberi Tanrılaştırma

- Hz. İsa'nın Ölümü

- Allah'ın Mesajının Adı: Kelamullah

- Allah'ın Resule Uyarıları

- Kur'ana Göre Tenkit ve Eleştiri Nasıl Olmalı?

- Kur'anda Sevgi

- Sofuların Devlet Desteğiyle Desteklenmesi

- Hans Von Aiberg Aldatmacası

- Kabir Azabı Safsatası

- Kur'an Kıssalarının Önemi; Masal Değiller

- Kur'anda Toplumsal Sünnetler

- Tefsirde İsrailiyyat

- Kardeş Evliliği Olmadan Çoğalma

- Hans Von Aiberg Tutuklandı

- Kur'anda Tevbe Kavramı

- Yaşar Nuri Öztürk'ün Yorumuyla Namaz

- Karadelikler; Bir Büyük Yemin

- Mezhepçilerin Ümmi Açmazı

- Kabe Nedir? Mekkede midir, Kudüste mi?

- Kur'anda Ruh Kavramı

- Kur'anda Nefs Kavramı

- Amin Kavramı ve Putperestlik

- Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığının Sitemize Cevabına Cevaplar

- Resul ve Nebi -1

- Resul ve Nebi -2

- Sapık Bir Fırka: Hansçılar

- Cihad mı, Çapulculuk mu?

- Kur'an Deyip Namazı Yok Sayanlar

- Cennete Sadece Müslümanlar mı Girecek?

- Kur'anda El Kesme Cezası var mı?

- Nazar veya Göz Değmesi Var mı?

- Şehadet Getir, Münafık(?) Ol

- Kur'anda Eleştiri Metodu

- Hacc Mekkede mi, Bekkede mi?

- İslami Tebliğde Kur'an Metodu

- Saptırılan Kavram: Mekruh

- Kur'anda Cuma Namazı var mı?

- Of Be Kader, Allah mı Suçlu Yoksa Biz mi?

- Kader Açısından Cebir ve İhtiyar

- Baban Peygamber Olsa Ne Yazar

- Kur'anda İnsan Hukuku

- Vahdet-i Vücud, Şirkin Alası

- Tasavvufi Bilginin Kaynağı Vahiy mi?

- İslam'da Resullük Son Bulmuştur

- Teveffi Kelimesi ve Arap Dili

- Tasavvuf Üzerine Düşünceler

- Nefis Mertebelerinin İç Yüzü

- Allah Rızası Anonim Şirketi; Tarikatlar

- Tasavvuf ve Eşcinsellik -1

- Tasavvuf ve Eşcinsellik -2

- Nakşi Şeyhi Allah'ın Avukatı mı?

- Kur'anda "ve+la" Öbeği

- Putlar ve Tapanlar

- Son Peygamberimizin Okuma Yazması

- Mesih ve çarpıtılan Bir Ayet

- Hac İzlenimleri

- "Üzerinde 19 var" da Son Nokta

- Secde Emri

- Kur'andaki Hac

- Aracıların Gaybı Bildiği İnancı

- Tarikatçı - Müşrik Karşılaştırması

- Gazali'nin Kadına Bakışı

- Kur'anda Kadına Verilen Önem

- Başörtüsü Allah'ın Emri Değil

- Başörtüsü Takmak Kur'anda Var mı?

- Kur'anda Kadın Dövmek Var mı?

- Cariye, Köle; Utanmaz Mealciler

- Kadına Yönelik Şiddet

- Sünnet Edilen Kızın Öyküsü

- Erkekçe ve Kadınca Meal Konusu, Nebe 33. Ayet

- Harem - Selamlık Kimin Emri?

- Zina, Evlilik ve Örtünme Adabı

- Cariyeleri Aç, Hür Kadınları Kapat (!)

- Çok Eşliliği Yasaklayan Ayetler

- Kur'ana Göre Evlilik Hukuku

- 2 Kadın = 1 Erkek, Uydurma mı?

- Danimarkalı mı Sapık, Buhari mi?

- Ebu Hanife, Cariyenin Avreti

- Nisa 25, Hür Kadın ve Fahişe İfadesi

- Maymunların Hadisi ve Recm Vahşeti

- Hz. Muhammed'in Tebliği

- Peygamberi Tanrılaştırma

- Angarya Haline Getirilen İbadet

- Buhari'nin Hadislerini Buhari Yazmamıştır

- Hadis ve Sünnet Gerçeği

- Uydurma Hadisler, İslamın Kara Boyası

- Hadisler Dinin kaynağı Olamaz

- Uydurmaların Sınırı Yok; Şeytan Geyiği

- Beşeri Hükümler Neden Kutsal Oluyor?

- Hadis - Kur'an Çelişkisi

- Kur'anda/Dinde Olanlar ve Olmayanlar

- Cehennem'den Çıkış Yok

- Kur'anda Tağut

- Ebu Hureyre Gerçekte Kimdir?

- Hadis - Mantık Çelişkileri

- Kurban ve Kurban Bayramı Nereden Geliyor?

- Hadislere Göre Kur'an Eksiktir

- Bildiri: İslam Anlayışında Reform

- Arapça mı, Arap Saçı mı?

- Koca mı Üstün, Allah mı?

- Esbab-ı Nüzül Komedi Hadisleri

- İşte Geleneğin Dini

- Ulul Emir İle Kim Kastediliyor?

- Kul Hakkı

- Yezidi Bir Gelenek: Aşure Tatlısı

- Hz. İbrahim'den Asrımıza Dersler

- Taklitçiliğin Boyutları

- Seb-ul Mesani Nedir?

- Kelle Sayılarak Gerçek Bulmak

- Kıyamet - Mahşer Günü ve Sonrası

- Kur'anda Namaz Vakitleri

- Kur'anda Cuma Konusu

- Salih Olmak Yetmez

- Hudeybiye Anlaşması Uydurma mı?

- Kitap Yüklü Eşekler

- Kur'andaki Hac

- Hz. Nuh'un Oğlu Kimdi? İftira mı?

- Ruhun Ağırlığına Başka Bakış

- Hz. İbrahim Yalancı Değildi

- İncil'de Kadına Bakış

- Şirkin Büyüğü Küçüğü Olur mu?

- Kur'andaki Abdest ve Hijyen

- Din de Bir Araçtır

- Kur'an Okumanın Zararları

- Kur'anda Dua Ayetleri

- Kur'anda Tarih Kavramı ve Bilinci

- Şekilsel Secde Kur'anda Yok mu?

- Salat ve salatı İkame

- Kur'andaki Emr Kavramı Üzerine

- Dindar İnsanlar Şirk Koşar

- Alak Suresinin İlk Beş Ayeti

- Men Arefe'nin Çözümü

- Kur'andaki Av Yasağı

- Fıtrat ve Namaz Vakitleri

- Kur'anda İnsan Hukuku

- Din Büyüklerini Tanrılaştırma

- Allah'a ve Muhammed'e Değil

- Kur'andaki Örnek Tevekkül

- Şekilsel Rüku Kur'anda Yok mu?

- Hz. İbrahim Kuşları Kesti mi?

- Ehli Sünnet Dininin Anayasası

- İnsan Allah'ın Halifesi mi?

- Kur'an Üzerinde Düşünmek

- Şirkin Kuyusuna Düşenlere Uyarılar

- Kur'an Ölülere Okunmak İçin mi İndirildi?

- Ayda Okunan Kur'an Masalı

- Hz. İbrahim, Safa ve Merve Masal mı?

- "Haç"er-ul Esved (!)

- Mevlana Sahte Bir Peygamber Değil mi?

- Tasavvufun Tanrısı İki Zıttır

- Kur'andaki Tasavvuf: Teveccüh

- Önce Batıl ve Hurafe İle Savaşalım

- Resuller Haram Kılamaz mı?

- Elçi Muhammed ile İnsan Muhammed'in Farkı

- Tarikatlarda Aracılar Rezaleti

- Nur Suresi 31. Ayet Nasıl Çarpıtılıyor?

- Sırat Kıldan İnce, Kılıçtan Keskin mi?

- Kur'anda Zalimler

- Bütün Mehdileri Çöpe Atıyoruz

- Kur'ana Göre Ramazan Ayı ve Haram Aylar

- Tasavvufçuların İlahı; Varlık ve Yokluk

- Tasavvufçuların Küçük Putları

- Sünnet Etmek yaratılışı Değiştirmedir

- Son Peygamberimizin Mektupları

- Fıtrat ve Namaz Vakitleri

- Mescid-i Aksa Nerede?

- Büyük Kandırmaca: Hadis

- Kur'an Neden Arapça Olarak İndirilmiştir?

- Kimin dini? Kimin Kitabı? Kimin Meali?

- Evliya Kelimesinin geçtiği Ayetler

- Şimdiye Kadar Yaşanan İslam

- Ayın Yarılması Diye Bir Mucize Yoktur

- Kabe Dikili Taş Değil mi?

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Şu da emredildi: Yüzünü dine bir Hanif olarak çevir. Sakın müşriklerden olma.

Yunus Suresi 105

Ben bir Hanif olarak yüzümü gökleri ve yeri yaratana döndürdüm. Müşriklerden değilim ben.

Enam Suresi 79

İbrahim ne bir Yahudi idi, ne de bir Hıristiyan. O sadece hanif bir müslümandı. O müşriklerden değildi.

Ali İmran Suresi 67

Şu da kuşkusuz ki, İbrahim başlıbaşına bir ümmetti; bir Hanif olarak Allah'ın önünde eğiliyordu. Müşriklerden değildi.

Nahl Suresi 123

De ki Allah doğrusunu söylemiştir / vaadinde sadıktır.Haydi artık Hanif olarak İbrahim'in Milleti'ne uyun! Müşriklerden değildi o.

Ali İmran Suresi 95

Allah'a ortak koşmadan, Hanifler olarak... Allah'a ortak koşan kişi, gökten düşmüş de kendisini kuşlar kapışıyor veya rüzgar onu uzak bir yere fırlatıp atıyor gibidir.

Hacc Suresi 31

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  Hanif Islam


İngilizce Makaleler
 Hanif Dostlar Ana Sayfa -> İngilizce Makaleler
Konu Konu: RELIGION PROFESSED IN THE QURAN Yanıt YazYeni Konu Gönder
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Katılma Tarihi: 18 eylul 2005
Gönderilenler: 64
Gönderen: 30 kasim 2019 Saat 00:16 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı YemLiha

What may be the deviations between the religious system actually practiced as Islam and the religion described in the Quran?

In the coming chapters we shall be dealing in detail with the Islam propounded in the Quran and the Islam in which traditions have a large share.


Yukarı dön Göster YemLiha's Profil Diğer Mesajlarını Ara: YemLiha

Katılma Tarihi: 18 eylul 2005
Gönderilenler: 64
Gönderen: 30 kasim 2019 Saat 00:16 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı YemLiha


To find out the deviations in question, we must trace back to the origins of Islam. Having established the fact that the Quran is the only authority of Islam, we shall consult it whenever we are asked to provide answers to questions put to us. For instance, if somebody wants to know if the practice whereby some Muslim women veil themselves and avoid contact with men not related to them is dictated or not in the Quran, we shall have to look it up in the Quran, and having concluded after careful research that there is no such thing, we shall be in a position to safely state that the Quran has no such exhortation. In such a case, the traditionalists would refer to books on Islamic ‘catechism’ and to their sheikhs, and arrive at the conclusion that the segregating of women and men does figure in the Quran and is a binding duty. (For illustration of the way to understand Islam by sheer reference to the Quran, see Chapters 35, 37 and 38.)

Having examined these issues, we are faced with the question of whether the Quran is a sufficient source for the practice of Islam. The Quran is complete and self-sufficient. What is more, the fact that it is the only source of the Islamic religion is explicitly stated in it. For dissenters, the Quran needs to be supplemented by hadiths, the general concurrence and agreement in opinion and decision of legalists and analogy. In the present book, we shall try to prove that pronouncements other than those in the Quran are not reliable. If we can prove that even the hadiths cannot be an auxiliary source for the practice of the Islamic religion, the other sources enumerated above will necessarily lose their validity.

The Quran is not self-sufficient, according to traditionalists. Yet, the verses we have quoted in this section form conclusive evidence, proving that the Quran is indeed self-sufficient and that it is a book that clarifies everything, as it contains all the detailed information necessary. To state that the Quran is not self-sufficient and that there is need for supplementary sources is tantamount to acting against the dictates of the Quran. We shall not pass over the issue by mere reference to the verses quoted above, but demonstrate, from different perspectives, the error committed by those who insist on supplementary sources, and show the spuriousness of words attributed to the Prophet and their contradictory and irrational character.


Yukarı dön Göster YemLiha's Profil Diğer Mesajlarını Ara: YemLiha

Katılma Tarihi: 18 eylul 2005
Gönderilenler: 64
Gönderen: 30 kasim 2019 Saat 00:16 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı YemLiha


Those who think that the Quran is not self-sufficient will reason on the grounds that they belong to such and such a sect or order. The hadith scholars, the experts in the canon law of Islam and the commentators on the Quran, will contend that unless a person has made studies in their respective domains, Islam cannot be understood properly, and that the Quran is not accessible to the public at large. Was religion revealed then only for the few and not for all of humanity? Did the Prophet belong to a particular sect or order? What were the sects or orders of the Four Caliphs? Are there such sects as Hanafi, Shafi, Shii and Wahabi in the Quran? Does the Quran refer to itself when it uses the expression ‘the only guide’ or does it also mention Bukhari, Muslim and the Twelve Imams, the books on Islamic ‘catechism’ or the consensus of the wise men of a community? We must examine the verses of the Quran and try to find answers to these and see if the Quran is self-sufficient or not.

89 - And We have sent down to you the Book explaining all things, a guide, a mercy and glad tidings for those who submit.
16 The Honey Bees, 89

As one can clearly see from this verse, the Quran explains everything and is the only guide. If so, why refer to Bukhari or Muslim or to the books on Islamic ‘catechism’? Since we can plainly see in the Quran, why insist on appealing for the help of such sects as Hanbali, Shafi, Hanafi, Shii, Jaferi and Maliki? Considering that God styled us as ‘Muslims’ (submitters), must we use such designations as Sunni, Shii and Shafi considering that the attribute ‘Muslim’ falls short of the mark?


Yukarı dön Göster YemLiha's Profil Diğer Mesajlarını Ara: YemLiha

Katılma Tarihi: 18 eylul 2005
Gönderilenler: 64
Gönderen: 30 kasim 2019 Saat 00:16 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı YemLiha


40 - The command is for none but God; He has commanded that you worship none but Him: that is the right religion, but most people do not know.
12 Joseph, 40

26 - …They have no guardian other than Him, nor does He share his command with anyone.

27 - Recite what has been revealed to you of the Book of your Lord. No one can change His words and no one will you find as a refuge than Him.

18 The Cave, 26 -27

The sharing of God’s command would be an act of heresy. Judgments based on the interpretations of sects, the consensus of the learned, and the analogies and hadiths do not come within the purview of God’s command. To equate them with religion means transferring the legislative power to persons other than God who can not share His command. Personal opinions of individuals cannot supersede religion, Sura The Cave, 27, is explicit about man’s only refuge, God. No one can change His words; and yet sects have dared to do so. God’s words, in which He has revealed His will, are in the Quran. There is no other source that can be said to belong to God. Given the fact that the command belongs only to God (Sura Joseph, 40), and the fact that He does not share His command with any person whatsoever, we have to accept the Quran as the unique source of the Islamic religion. If we espouse the view that the books that do not belong to God (like the hadiths or the books on ‘Islamic catechism’) may also be taken as a source of religion, we cannot avoid being accused of heresy. The authors of the books referred to as Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Davud or the sects like Hanafi, Shafi, Jafari should not be equated with God.

33 - Whose word is better than one who calls to God and works righteousness and says “I am one of the submitters”.
41 Elucidated, 33

115 - The Word of your Lord is complete in truth and in justice. No one can change His words. He is the Hearer, the Knower.
6 The Cattle, 115

Islam, God’s religion, was completed during the lifetime of the Prophet. The Quran was written, learned by heart and became the source of the Islamic religion. Books that compiled the hadiths, the sayings of Muhammad, began to appear one or two hundred years after his death. While it was made explicit in the Quran that God’s Words could not be changed by anyone, for some reason or other, the carriers found the Quran not sufficient enough and began looking for new sources. According to this mentality, the ijtihads (canonical jurisprudence) of Imam Shafi, the fatwas of the Twelve Imams and the clarifications of the Hanafi Imams have completed the revelation. According to these personages, religion was not complete before their contributions. Moreover, the advocates of traditionalism not being content with this, dared to repeal the commentaries of the Quran, superseding them with hadiths and their own interpretations (see Chapters 25, 26) and violated the statement of the verse that said: “No one can change His Words.”


Yukarı dön Göster YemLiha's Profil Diğer Mesajlarını Ara: YemLiha

Katılma Tarihi: 18 eylul 2005
Gönderilenler: 64
Gönderen: 30 kasim 2019 Saat 00:16 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı YemLiha


114 - Say: “Shall I seek for judge other than God? When He it is Who sent unto you the Book, explained in detail.”
6 The Cattle, 114

The Quran makes no reference to other books, sheikhs, books on ‘Islamic catechism’ or explanations of the hadiths. It explicitly says that it has spoken in detail. Under the circumstances, if we cannot find in the Quran a particular prohibition, a detail or a prayer, it should follow that the alleged prohibition, the act or the prayer in question simply does not exist. For instance, the fact that there is no reference to the wearing of silk or to the eating of mussels or shrimp means that they are considered edible. One should look up in the Quran for a ban or a prohibition of a certain act and not for the execution of particular deeds. For example, the absence of a prohibition against the wearing of silk would be enough to deduce that it is permissible. There is no need for a special provision that would allow the wearing of silk. This mentality is inherent in the following verse:

101 - O you who believe, ask not about things which if made known to you would give you trouble; and if you ask about them when the Quran is being revealed, they will be made known to you. God has overlooked them and God is Forgiving, Forbearing.
5 The Feast, 101

To spare trouble for His creatures, God makes no mention of a great many things. Had He done so, the responsibilities on the shoulders of men would have increased. God repeatedly states that religious practices are easy to perform and that His intention is not to create difficulties for men. However, the inventors of the hadiths and the sectarians make every effort to create difficulties in the name of religion by their commentaries, as if God had forgotten to explain the points which they tackle. Whatever religion prohibits is evil, but religion does not have to state every act which should preferably be avoided. Responsibilities that religion commands must be performed. Thus, points left out from the text of the Quran must be interpreted as acts depending on our free discretion. All additions to it must immediately be eliminated.

Yukarı dön Göster YemLiha's Profil Diğer Mesajlarını Ara: YemLiha

Katılma Tarihi: 18 eylul 2005
Gönderilenler: 64
Gönderen: 30 kasim 2019 Saat 00:16 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı YemLiha


64 - And your Lord never forgets.
19 Mary, 64

God, our Lord, is omniscient; it follows that He knows what we need to know about religion. Points left to our discretion are meant to be a man’s elbowroom. Are those people who deem it necessary to supplement the Book, with the intention of interpolating new details in the text, consider themselves wiser than God, and believe to accomplish what God has, according to them, left incomplete? For example, while God has not described the clothes to be worn by the woman stating that she is to cover herself from a given part of her body to another part, how dare they do so in the name of the Almighty? Why have they tried to interpolate their opinions in the practice of Islam? Their rationale may be a topic of discussion, but clothing the woman in a particular uniform is but casting aspersion upon God and His religion (See Chapters 17, 18).

51 - It is not sufficient for them that We have revealed the Book to you which is read out to them.
29 The Spider, 51

Alas, the Quran seems to be not good enough for the traditionalists. The Word of the Quran does not satisfy those who dare rewrite the Quranic text by interpolating thousands of hadiths and viewpoints of the sectarian chiefs in the practice of religion. They are not satisfied, because the Quran does not veil the woman as the traditionalists seem to imagine, because it does not prohibit arts and sculpture and does not decree uniforms with turbans, robes with full sleeves and long skirts nor recommend men to grow a beard, thus promoting the customs of the Arabs. This is why many people prefer to become members of the Hanafi, Shafi, and Shii sects rather than being the Muslim as put forth in the Quran. For these prohibitions, which do not exist in the Quran, are incorporated in the creeds of these sects. Instead of learning what the Quran says, these people prefer to figure out a religion in their minds and look for it in the Quran, and when they fail to find it in it, they say the items are missing. Eventually, the Quran proves not to be sufficient for certain miscreants and religionists.


Yukarı dön Göster YemLiha's Profil Diğer Mesajlarını Ara: YemLiha

Katılma Tarihi: 18 eylul 2005
Gönderilenler: 64
Gönderen: 30 kasim 2019 Saat 00:16 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı YemLiha


38 - Nothing have We omitted from the Book.
6 The Cattle, 38

Considering that God states that nothing has been omitted from the Book, those who make use of the Book as a prayer recited for the souls of the departed and who are enchanted by its music are ignorant of its meaning. They try to supersede the Quran with books on ‘Islamic catechism,’ to replace the meaning of it by incantations, to substitute the dead for the living and to favor the Islam of the sectarians in total disregard of the Quran. They seem to be doomed to remain in the dark unless they begin to pay due attention to the meaning inherent in it and be more concerned with the living than the dead.

154 - What is the matter with you? How do you judge?

155 - Why do you not take heed?

156 – Do you have solid proof?

157 – Then bring your Book, if you are truthful.

37 Who Stand in a Row, 154-157

36 - What is the matter with you? How do you judge?

37 – Have you a book through which you learn?

38 – In it, do you find anything you want?

68 The Pen, 36-38

49 – You shall judge between them in accordance with God’s revelations to you.
5 The Feast, 49

These verses point to the fact that religious commands are from God. All other injunctions and admonitions are false, null and void in religious terms. If a given word or behavior attributed to the Prophet is brought forth as evidence for an act not mentioned in the Quran, the hadith in question is sure to be unfounded; or it may have been a personal opinion of the Prophet which is of no consequence in religious terms. It is explicitly stated in the Quran (Sura The Feast, 49) that the Prophet lived solely by the Quran, the Book that contains all the religious prescriptions. If we take the Quran as our only guidance, we are sure to be on the right path and have no need for any further authority. (We shall study the issue of obedience to God and His prophets in Chapter 27.)

69 - This is nothing but a reminder and a Quran making things evident (mübiyn).
36 Yasin, 69

The Arabic word mubin, comes from beyan (evident, clear). The same expression is encountered in such verses as 26 The Poets 2; 27 The Ant 1; 28 The History 2.. These statements that declare that the Quran is clear enough as an answer to those who contend that the Quran can be understood only by reference to the hadiths and the sayings of the imams of religious schools. In verse 79 of Sura The Ant, the Prophet is addressed with the following words: “So put your trust in God, you are following the evident truth.” It is the Quran that reveals the truth to the Prophet. Therefore, all that is attributed to the Prophet is valid so long as it is sanctioned by the Quran. The Quran, which is clear, is a sufficient source for us to understand both it and the Prophet.

Yukarı dön Göster YemLiha's Profil Diğer Mesajlarını Ara: YemLiha

Katılma Tarihi: 18 eylul 2005
Gönderilenler: 64
Gönderen: 30 kasim 2019 Saat 00:16 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı YemLiha


45 - Say: “I do but warn you according to revelation.”
21 The Prophets, 45

19 - This Quran has been revealed to Me that I may warn you…
6 The Cattle, 19

15 – When Our clear signs are recited to them, those who do not hope to meet Us say “Bring a Quran other than this, or change it.” Say “It is not for me to change it of my will. I follow only what is revealed to me.”
10 Jonah, 15

We observe clearly that the revelation that the Quran contains the only source that the Prophet drew on, the Book denied by disbelievers who wanted to make alterations to it. The duty of the Prophet was to relate the Quran revealed unto him. Therefore, to follow the path of the Quran is to follow the path of the Prophet. The Prophet is referred to in the Quran more often than not with the attribute of ‘messenger.’ His mission was to carry on the messages he received from God to mankind. There is no reference to any other source or book. Had God deemed it necessary He would have referred us to other revelations and sources to believe in. Nevertheless, we observe today hundreds of volumes on hadiths and canonical jurisprudence claiming an authority tantamount to the authority of the Quran. While the authority of the Quran is absolute, being the only source of Islam, today it has come to be considered merely as one of the books on Islam. Its role has been reduced to an absolute minimum. The Quranic verses we have quoted above plainly reject this mentality that belittles the Quran and attributes invented sayings to Muhammad.


Yukarı dön Göster YemLiha's Profil Diğer Mesajlarını Ara: YemLiha

Katılma Tarihi: 18 eylul 2005
Gönderilenler: 64
Gönderen: 30 kasim 2019 Saat 00:16 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı YemLiha


4 – You are on a straight path.
5 – A revelation from the Mighty, Merciful.

36 Yasin, 4-5

1 – This is a Book We have sent down to you that you may lead people out of darkness into the light, by their Lord’s will, to the path of the Mighty, the worthy of praise.
14 Abraham, 1

This Book (the Quran) leads mankind from darkness to light. The people who live by the Quran draw their power from verses like the ones quoted above. Where do they draw their power, those who act in accordance with Tirmizi, Muvatta, Bukhari and Muslim, claiming them to be sources of the established religion, daring thus to adulterate the exclusivity of the Quran? The Quran was written and learned by heart during the lifetime of the Prophet. It contains no contradictions or illogicalities. There was no other source committed to paper during the lifetime of Muhammad. Moreover, as we shall see in the forthcoming chapters when we deal with the hadiths and sectarian pronouncements, they contradict their own statements, let alone the Quran’s contents. What has become of the position of the Quran, the harbinger that surpasses human intelligence? Where do the outdated contrived hadiths and sects that caused men to dodge Islam stand now? (From Chapter 4 to Chapter 12 we shall deal with the self-contradictory statements claiming to supplement Islam and see whether they are tenable or not.)


Yukarı dön Göster YemLiha's Profil Diğer Mesajlarını Ara: YemLiha

Katılma Tarihi: 18 eylul 2005
Gönderilenler: 64
Gönderen: 30 kasim 2019 Saat 00:16 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı YemLiha


43 - And how do they make you a judge and they have the Torah wherein is God’s judgment?
5 The Feast, 43

47 – The people of the Gospel shall judge in accordance with God’s revelations therein. And those who do not judge in accordance with what God has revealed are transgressors.
5 The Feast, 47

Prior to Islam, God had also sent down books through His prophets, requesting them to live by them. The Jews had received the Torah that contained all the details they were supposed to know. Yet God’s Word failed to satisfy them. Their scrupulous attention to detail described in verses 67 and 71 of Sura Bakarah continued after the death of Moses. They produced the Mishnah and the Gamara. Islam then is not the only religion wherein false attributions have been made to smother the religion in details under the guise of hadiths and sunna, the code of behavior of the Prophet. According to the Quran, Christians took Christ for God and priests as their lords, and there came a time when they themselves lost faith in the priesthood they had fabricated. Parables in the Quran are meant to indicate certain truths. There are people who believe that they should not be mixed up with the Jews and the Christians. Yet, people who style themselves as ‘authorities’ are in no way sanctioned by the Quran. All their evidence consists of assumptions. Evidences are their very selves. They are ‘pluralists.’ Their argument is based on the fact that since great masses believe in traditions they cannot possibly err. While the majority of Christians literally take Jesus Christ as the ‘Son of God,’ there are also Christians who interpret this expression as a simile, believing that God cannot possibly beget children, and consequently, Christ could not be the Son of God, but a man who was among the chosen who enjoyed divine favor and was a prophet like all other prophets. How should we arbitrate between these ingenious arguments? Should one side with the minority or with the Catholic and Orthodox ecclesiastics who maintain that Jesus is the Son of God? Moreover, the number of those who claim him to be the Son of God is greater than the Muslim traditionalists. The contention of the Christian majority may be formulated with the following words: “Look how many men have acknowledged Christ as the Son of God. Our saints were holy men who had devoted themselves to preach the Gospel and act according to it. How can we say that they have been in error and you, in the minority who claim to be wiser than our saints, spiritual guides and priests, speak the truth?” Muslim traditionalists are in a similar position. The verses of the Quran clearly indicate that imitation of the majority would lead man to perdition. (See Chapter 11 for Caliph Omar’s burning the hadiths saying: “the Mishnah of my community”, Chapter 29 for issues related to the Christians and Jews; and Chapter 33 about those who side with pluralism.)

34 - We have sent down to you verses making things evident and examples from the past generations, and a warning for those who take heed for themselves.
24 The Light, 34

42 - …that those who died might die after an evidence and those who lived might live after an evidence.
4 The Spoils of War, 42

Evidences according to the Quran must be explicit. Practices, based on traditions, conventions, customs and usage, are not sanctioned; general approval, no matter how wide it is, is not compatible with the Quran. The Quran is evidence itself. Those who adopt the Quran as the source of Islam are on the straight path.

Yukarı dön Göster YemLiha's Profil Diğer Mesajlarını Ara: YemLiha

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